What are Public Records?
Public records are any documents, information, or data that are created, collected, and maintained by government agencies or other public institutions.
Public records have also come to include information publicly available on the internet, such as social media profiles, websites, and blogs. Some common examples of public records include:
- Birth and death records
- Arrest and criminal records
- Bankruptcies and liens
A public records search is an online tool that simplifies the process of finding public records by aggregating data into easy-to-read online reports. Rather than sift through various websites or file multiple public records requests, you can simply run a search through TruthFinder to find public records by name, phone number, email, or address.
Ways to Use TruthFinder’s Public Records Search
In this section, we’ll explore some of the different ways that you can use TruthFinder’s powerful search capabilities to find the public records information you need.
Find Someone From Your Past
Whether you’re looking for an estranged family member, an old schoolmate, or a childhood best friend, a public records search is a great place to start. A public records search could find contact information such as phone numbers, emails, and current addresses. Additionally, you may find social media profiles that could provide additional context about what someone has been up to since you last spoke.
Search Someone’s Criminal History
There are times when knowing whether someone has a criminal history can be particularly important. For example, before meeting up with an online date in person, do some digging into their past. A public records search may find criminal records and traffic records in the Criminal History section of a report. Also, it may include sex offender information and indicate whether someone is a registered sex offender.
Learn More About the People in your Life
Did a neighbor just move to your street? Is there a new parent in your child’s carpool? There are many times when you want a little more information about someone to give you peace of mind – especially when they’ll be around your family. A public records search can provide a detailed report on a person that may include details like their education and employment history, location history, court records, bankruptcies.
Stay on Top of Your Online Reputation
You might consider searching your own public records to ensure nothing embarrassing pops up in your report. Have you ever been arrested? Do you suspect that you have forgotten social media profiles? Staying informed about what information people can learn about you is key to staying on top of your online reputation.
How to Perform a Public Records Search
To run a public record search on TruthFinder, you’ll need at least one of the following:
- A first and last name
- A phone number